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Memories of Sneezing: Actions in Childhood

This section should rather be named 'stupid, funny, and cute things I did related to sneezing when growing up'. But that was obviously too long for the navigation buttons, wasn't it?
There are a lot of things I did when I was growing up, some of which is discussed more in the other sections. But some doesn't fit into the other sections, and I wanted a page just for all the weirdness that was my spin on this interest.

Note: There are actually a few points that I would like to include here, but am currently still too embarrassed about them to do so. Hopefully one day I'll have the courage, because they're moments in my life that I would like to record as part of this interest.
  • Documented evidence of my fetish dates back to when I was two or three years old. Like most kids, I loved coloring in coloring books. And though I have little memory of this, I used to go through and color everyone's noses red. I remember two examples of this well- being my Peanuts coloring books and my Old King Cole tale coloring book. Poor Old King Cole, every single page the man looked sick (either that or drunk!) (See art section)

  • I liked to draw and would sometimes draw little cartoon characters with colds, many times making up stories about them (See art section)

  • I guess I was unlucky with stuffed animals because, wouldn't you know it, they were always coming down with colds too. Sometimes large groups at a time and I'd have to play doctor. With a few favorites, I'd wrap them up in a special blanket at night and nurse them to sleep before going to sleep myself. Then the next night they'd come down with a cold again. I made up stories and plots involving them, too.

  • I did the same for my My Little Ponies, making up elaborate stories where a good handfull of them would all have colds and one or two (usually the younger, nicer ones) would be left to care for them all.

  • Many times before goes to sleep I would tell write stories in my mind. Usually I'd fall asleep after 5 or 6 sentences, and have to start over again at the beginning the next night. Almost all of the time, these stories involved sneezing, and usually were episodes of tv shows I liked where characters caught colds. (See stories section)

  • Winshield Wipers- too embarrassing

  • Talking to my mother about my like of sneezing- way too embarrassing to post yet

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Actions in Childhood


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All stories and personal wavs are property of TG and should not be reposted. Fictional characters are the properties of their owners, and many wavs are the property of the respective film or television companies but my recordings. If you have questions or yummy comments, contact me!